La sezione downloads contiene tutti i manuali, programmi ed altri tool per amministrare il tuo sito.


WHMCS V7 (2)
This is the recommended version for all new installs.
Hosting Templates (3)
HTML / WHMCS Hosting Templates
Knowledgebase (1)
Import Knowledgebase into your WHMCS portal.
Legal Documents (1)
Sample Legal Documents: AUP, Privacy Policy & SLA

I download più scaricati

Hosting Template - 3
Mega-Hosting HTML Template
Dimensione file: 7.85 MB
WHMCS V7.6.1 Full
This is the recommended version for all new installs.
Dimensione file: N/A
Hosting Template - 2
Dynamic-Hosting - HTML and WHMCS Template
Dimensione file: 11.5 MB
Import KnowledgeBase
Dimensione file: 38.5 kB
Hosting Template - 1
City-Host - HTML & WHMCS Template
Dimensione file: 5.96 MB

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